인권/성평등교육 수강신청
2025 Online Education for Human Rights and Gender Equality (For Faculties)
- 신청기간 : 2025-01-01 ~ 2025-12-31
- 학습기간 : 2025-01-01 ~ 2026-01-31
2025 Online Education for Human Rights and Gender Equality For Faculty Members
- 아래 학습목차를 클릭하면 각 목차별 세부학습 목록이 열립니다.
Opening: Human Rights on Campus
we’ve encountered, uncover the ‘hidden messages’ within our community
Introductory: GHuman Rights Education
Human rights as seen by children
Same Space, Different Experiences
The notion of privilege and intersectionality
We all have different experiences! (A story that only I can tell)
Introductory: Gender equality
Toward an equal society for all
Intensive: Sexual Harassment and Violence Awareness Education
Stories about human rights
Not all victims are the same?
The ideal victim
"I haven't seen any victim like you"
Structure of hierarchy
What to do in the event of sexual violence (for faculty and staff)
Formative evaluation
Intensive: Digital Sexual Violence Prevention Training
Different Perceptions of Safety
Life and Darkness in the Digital World
Formative evaluation
Intensive: Domestic Violence Awareness Education
Family and Violence
Hierarchy and control
The essence of domestic violence: Controlling behavior
Domestic violence and wrong gender norms: Gender-based violence
Formative evaluation
Intensive: Sex Trafficking Awareness Education
Prostitution Prevention Training
Prostitution is a necessary evil and should therefore be legalized?
Prostitution is a voluntary choice fod women?
The disappearance of red-light districts has led to a decline in prostitution?
Sexual exploitation of teens is rare?
Illegal filming and prostitution are unrelated?
What We Can Do
Formative evaluation
big changes start with small actions