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Community Assessment Checklist

Here is a checklist you can use to assess your community’s awareness and attitude regarding the equality and safety of all in our campus community.

Community Assessment Checklist
NO. Item Yes No
1. There have been conflicts among colleagues because of the lack of clearly established roles and responsibilities.
2. There is no established procedure through which one can negotiate or file complaints about one’s roles and responsibilities.
3. Roles and responsibilities can get assigned sometimes in a way that is discriminatory or disadvantageous to certain people.
4. The level of competition in the community is too high, with everyone under constant pressure for performance.
5. The community requires certain or all of its members to handle tasks/workloads that cannot reasonably be completed by the deadline.
6. Certain members are excluded from their roles and responsibilities in the community.
7. Certain members are repeatedly required to handle tasks shunned/avoided by others.
8. Certain members are always or mostly excluded from important information or decision-making regarding work, research, or education.
9. The community is made up of a majority of full-time or regular members as well as a minority of part-time and temporary members, with the latter often denied chances to make their voices heard and/or take up jobs handled by the former.
10. There are instances where people rebuke or criticize a specific person for their mistakes in front of others.
11. The community compels its members to attend frequent group activities outside of work, with members fearing possible disadvantages as a consequence of sitting out.
12. It is difficult for members to take a break during break time freely without being conscious of others.
13. Most of the members come to school early and leave campus late. Not working longer hours than necessary makes them feel bad.
14. Members are expected to respond to calls/messages about their work, research, or education even at night or on holidays.
15. I have seen members who could not return to the community after taking their maternity leave. And/or it is difficult to take parental leave from the community without fearing consequences.
16. People working in labs or at jobs where risk of exposure to a hazardous thing or condition exists were denied the necessary safety training and protective equipment.
17. I have heard malicious rumors and gossip about the personal affairs of other community members.
18. The community generally embraces gender stereotypes and behavior based on those stereotypes.
19. The community is too inquisitive about/ready to interfere with members’ intimate relationships, marital status, religious/political/ideological views, family situation, appearance and looks.
20. Certain or all of the community members have been/are called by inappropriate names.