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Sexual self-decision power

Sexual self-decision power Consists of No., Diagnostic item, Yes or No
NO. Diagnostic item Yes No
1. I can admit and accept that I can emotionally dislike someone whom I used to like before.
2. I can talk about sexual desire or knowledge with other people.
3. I can express my feeling of anger or thankfulness to others.
4. I do not conceal or distort my feeling despite my concern for other’s reactions.
5. I can argue with others about unfair unilateral demand of the other party.
6. I respect the opinion of others without insisting the matter that I want but others do not.
7. I do not cling to others whom I like, when they want to part from me after losing interest.
8. I admit my sexual desire for what it is.
9. I know the contra-conceptive measures that fit me.
10. I know how to handle my sexual desire somewhat even without any sex partner.
11. I can go on a trip with others without any intention for sexual relations.
12. As much as my emotion and feeling are important to me, I can care about others with sufficient consideration for the situation of others.
13. I do not exaggerate or distort my feeling to control the feeling of the other party.
14. I do not take any indiscreet act in the middle of an accepted physical contact with others (e.g. kiss).
15. I can refuse the suggestion of the other party for a physical contact when I do not want to.
16. I can propose a date to others when I find someone that I feel like to fall in love with.
17. I do not have the thought first that this person is mine when I am in love with someone.
18. I can accept the rejection or no interest of the other party after my love confession even if it is humiliating.
19. When the other party is inebriated and is not fully conscious, I do not make any attempt for physical contact that I usually cherish.
20. When I find a partner of sexual appeal to me, I can suggest sexual intercourse in a situation where the other party is capable of rational judgment and deliberation.
You are relatively safe. But it is better to take caution to strengthen your capability of actual practice.
You are doing all right but need more effort to improve.
You are dangerous. You need training. You have high probability to become an offender or an offended on unwanted pregnancy or abortion.
[Source: Korean Women Democracy Association]